Wellbeing at work, non-discrimination and equality are key priorities at PRH
Social responsibility comes under the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
- Gender equality (5)
- Decent work and economic growth (8)
- Peace, justice and strong institutions (16)
At the PRH, social responsibility primarily means responsibility for the development of working conditions, occupational safety and health and skills as well as an obligation to reduce inequality and enhance gender equality.
Diverse personnel and attractive employer
We promoted our corporate responsibility work by defining agency-specific objectives for each area of responsibility for the period 2023–2028. Our social responsibility objectives are as follows:
- We have diverse workforce.
- We are an attractive work environment for everyone regardless of such factors as age, gender, native language, ethnic background and partial work ability.
- We are an attractive and responsible employer.
- When assessed on the basis of the meaningfulness of work and competent and satisfied personnel, we are the best employer in our size class.
The aim of the PRH is to be a workplace providing equal working conditions where everybody has equal opportunities for development in an encouraging and positive atmosphere.
Our aim is to provide equal opportunities for participation and leadership for everybody by
- paying more attention to the diversity of personnel
- ensuring that equality and non-discrimination are fully reflected in the composition of working groups
- ensuring that equality is fully reflected in recruitment and career development at the PRH.
In terms of their ethnic background, our personnel is fairly homogeneous. Thus, in the coming years, we will take measures to gradually boost the diversity of our staff from this perspective as well. However, the statutory language proficiency requirements for central government personnel are one factor posing challenges in this respect.
Proposals for acts of responsibility
During 2023, PRH staff members were asked to submit proposals for acts promoting the agency’s responsibility goals. A total of 78 proposals were received.
The proposals were considered by the management, which selected a number of them as measures that would be promoted from the year 2024 onwards.
The following proposals were chosen as the best acts of social responsibility and the staff members submitting them received a small award in the form of cinema tickets:
- Piloting anonymous recruitment.
- The pilot will be carried out during 2024.
- Making each floor of the PRH’s office accessible.
- The necessary alterations will be carried out in 2025 in cooperation with Senate Properties.
- A team-specific responsibility day for each staff member.
- The matter will be prepared in 2024 and the responsibility day will be introduced in 2025.
Staff members are satisfied with equality and non-discrimination practices at PRH
The PRH sets out its goals for the development of equality and non-discrimination in the equality plan prepared every second year and in the non-discrimination plan drawn up every four years. Both plans were updated in 2022. The next update of the equality plan, which will cover the years 2025 and 2026, will take place in 2024. The next update of the non-discrimination plan, which will cover the period 2027–2030, will take place in 2026.
We will monitor the perception of equality and non-discrimination among PRH staff members in the annual VMBaro survey and in separate equality and non-discrimination surveys.
Perception of equality at PRH 2020–2023 (VMBaro)
The PRH has scored high marks for perceived equality for several years. In 2021, 2022 and 2023, the score was 4.5 compared to 4.4 in 2020 (on a scale of 1 to 5).

Perception of non-discrimination at PRH 2020–2023 (VMBaro)
There has been a gradual improvement in perceived non-discrimination at the PRH over the years. In 2023, the score was 4.5; in 2021 and 2022 it was 4.4; and in 2020, it stood at 4.2 (on a scale of 1 to 5).

Getting closer to pay equality
The PRH monitors trends in women’s and men’s pay in a pay comparison report carried out each year. The report examines women’s and men’s pay at different requirement levels and the percentage of women and men at different requirement levels.
Equal pay between women and men within requirement levels is measured on the basis of the equal pay index. Over the past few years, the index at the PRH has been close to 100, which means that women and men enjoy more or less equal pay within requirement levels. In 2023, the equal pay index was closer to full equality than in 2022.
Using the equal pay index, we can monitor the impact of the measures already taken on pay equality and react to any new measures required.
Unfortunately, the central government equal pay index is not compatible with the requirement level classification used by the PRH and thus it is not practicable to use it for comparisons in these measurements.
Equal pay index at PRH
Equal pay index at the PRH stood at 101.4 in 2023 (August was used as the reference month). The index for 2022 was 101.7 and 101.9 for 2021. The index for 2020 stood at 100.9.

Wellbeing at work is a high priority
The wellbeing at work of every PRH staff member is a high priority for us.
It covers working conditions, occupational safety and health, skills development, work to reduce inequality and ensuring that our operations are in full compliance with the law.
We are working to boost wellbeing at work in many different ways.
Our operating culture supports coaching management. We recommend team-internal discussions in which the teams agree on the objectives of the activities. The purpose of the annual development discussions with individual staff members is to agree on competence development measures and to ensure that job descriptions are up to date.
With these measures, we can form a common understanding of work situations, organisation of tasks and of any support needed to achieve the objectives. The operating model also supports the principles guiding the activities of the PRH: open, respectful and competent.
We also provide comprehensive occupational healthcare services and monitor wellbeing at work on the basis of indicators and regular surveys. In addition to the extensive VMBaro job satisfaction survey conducted annually, we also carry out mini surveys.
On this basis, we conduct discussions in teams and maintain a situational picture of management and supervisory work, working conditions, workload and other factors impacting wellbeing at work.
We review the results at different levels of the organisation, promote wellbeing at work, act in accordance with the principle of early support and take early corrective action to tackle problems. We support our employees when their working capacity is weakening and work together to find the right solutions.
In 2023, overall job satisfaction at the PRH reached an all-time high (4.1). Read more about the results of the job satisfaction survey in our annual report.