Number of applications at a ten-year high
There was a substantial increase in the number of national patent applications compared to 2022, and the number of applications was at a ten-year high.
Uusimaa, Tampere Region and North Ostrobothnia were the top regions when measured with the number of applications. All three regions produced more applications than in 2022 and accounted for 77 per cent of the total number of national applications submitted to the PRH.
Despite the growing number of applications, processing times remained in line with service promises.
Increase in the number of national patent applications
The number of national patent applications increased: In 2023, they totalled 1,745 compared to 1,447 in 2022.

Finalised national patent applications
The number of finalised national patent applications decreased: In 2023, the PRH processed 1,561 applications compared to 1,731 in 2022.

Processed PCT applications (PCT/RO)
There was a decrease in the number of international PCT applications processed at the PRH: In 2023, they totalled 733 compared to 855 in 2022.

Conducted novelty searches (PCT/ISA)
The number of conducted novelty searches decreased: In 2023, they totalled 208 compared to 316 in 2022.

European patents validated in Finland (EPO)
The number of European patents validated in Finland decreased: In 2023, they totalled 3,894 compared to 4,473 in 2022.

Finalised utility model applications
The number of finalised applications for utility models remained at previous year’s levels: In 2023, they totalled 250 compared to 259 in 2022.

New online services now operational
At the start of the year, we introduced the new system for processing patent applications, which had been under preparation for several years. In addition to the processing system, we also updated our online services and as a result, our customers now have access to new information, Industrial Property Gazette, document and payment services.
The development and introduction of the processing system was made possible by the cooperation networks coordinated by the European Patent Office and the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The PRH also utilises the opportunities offered by the cooperation in the development and updating of systems.
Unitary patent system entered into force
The unitary patent system entered into force on 1 June 2023, marking the end of decades of work to overhaul the European patent system.
The unitary patent will offer a new alternative to the European patent. The unitary patent system provides patent protection for an invention in all countries in the system on a one-stop-shop basis. A total of 17 EU countries have joined the unitary patent system and the unitary patents are granted by the European Patent Office.
The PRH has made thorough preparations for the introduction of the unitary patent. We have provided our customers with extensive information on the opportunities and impacts of the new patent application system.
We developed Nordic patent cooperation
The aim is to increase cooperation between PRH, PRV and NPI in international organisations and in matters concerning the processing and examination of patent applications. The common goal is to make the Nordic area a more fertile environment for companies, research institutes and inventors creating new technologies.
Heads of the Nordic patent offices (from left to right): Kathrine Myhre (NIPO, Norway), Peter Strömbäck (PRV, Sweden), Borghildur Erlingsdottir (ISIPO, Iceland), Antti Riivari (PRH, Finland) and Sune Stampe Sorensen (DKPTO, Denmark). Photo: Nordic Patent Institute