Extensive cooperation with stakeholders continued
Our stakeholder work has a significant impact on our customers. In order to successfully carry out our tasks and services, we must engage in close interaction and cooperation with our stakeholders.
Our key stakeholders include other government agencies, ministries, business organisations, Nordic and EU agencies in our sector as well as numerous partners.
We worked to enhance the impact of stakeholder work
Influencing in networks is one of the goals set out in our new strategy. In accordance with our strategic programme, we promote the impact of our stakeholder work and networking. Read more about our cooperation with stakeholders in our corporate responsibility report.
PRH a partner in the New Entrepreneur of the Year competition
The PRH was a partner in the New Entrepreneur of the Year competition and was also represented in the jury.
Kimmo Tossavainen from Äänekoski was chosen as the New Entrepreneur of the Year 2023. His company KX-Treeshears Oy designs and manufactures energy wood grapples used in forestry work.
The Audience Award went to Ville Rouhiainen, Tommi Mustonen and Matti Kortelainen from Mikkeli. Their company EHOT Oy provides demanding child welfare services.
The New Entrepreneur of the Year prize is awarded by the Finnish Enterprise Agencies. The prize winner is chosen by a jury and the winner of the Audience Award in an open online vote.
The prizes go to entrepreneurs whose business activities have been successful and who have started their companies with the help of an Enterprise Agency.

We marked the World Intellectual Property Day
The World Intellectual Property Day is marked worldwide on 26 April.
IPR expertise in Finland and creating innovations were the themes of this year’s Finnish event marking the day.
The PRH organised the Finnish event in cooperation with the IPR University Center, QUIN Suomi ry (the network of innovative Finnish women), Foundation for Finnish Inventions and the support association of Finnish inventors (SKTY).
The purpose of the World Intellectual Property Day is to increase awareness of the role of intellectual property (IP) and intellectual property rights (IPR) and to promote innovativeness and creativity.