Job satisfaction again at record levels
According to the VMBaro job satisfaction survey among central government employees, average job satisfaction at the PRH was again at an all-time high (4.06).
The survey is carried out each year and as in 2022, it listed the operating culture, content of work and opportunities to influence it, employer image and values as well as the work and operating environment as our strengths.
Results of the job satisfaction survey 2022–2023 (VMBaro)
Overall job satisfaction
Overall job satisfaction among staff members improved: In 2023, it stood at 4.06 compared to 4.02 in 2022 (on a scale of 1 to 5).

Supervisory work and management
The overall score for supervisory work and management was higher than in the previous year: In 2023, it stood at 4.00 compared to 3.98 in 2022.

PRH is a good place to work
There was more agreement with the statement ‘PRH is a good place to work’: In 2023, the score was 4.45 compared to 4.39 in 2022.

Fair treatment by supervisors
Fewer staff members felt that they are fairly treated by supervisors: In 2023, the score was 4.50 compared to 4.55 in 2022.

Fair treatment by colleagues
More staff members felt that they are fairly treated by their colleagues: In 2023, the score was 4.59 compared to 4.53 in 2022.

We developed recruitment and familiarisation
There was a substantial decrease in the number of new recruitments compared to 2022 but the number of job applications increased. The increase in the number of applications indicates that the PRH is an increasingly attractive employer.
We developed our recruitment process to ensure that people with the necessary competencies can be hired in a timely manner.
We prepared a comprehensive familiarisation programme for new PRH staff members as part of the shared central government online learning environment (eOppiva).
We continued the competence surveys launched in 2022 and started to build a basis for
PRH’s competence path models.
We overhauled our organisation
The PRH carried out an organisational overhaul in which its administrative, financial and IT functions were reorganised. The purpose was to clarify management and division of labour, and the changes did not have any impact on the number of personnel.
The new organisational structure took effect at the start of 2024.
We planned changes to our premises
In cooperation with Senate Properties, the PRH started planning a move to shared premises in accordance with the Government Premises Strategy. Several other agencies are involved in the planning with a view to relocating their operations to facilities that are currently only used by the PRH and the State Treasury.
The planning work is expected to be completed in 2024 and the decisions on implementing the changes will be made after that.
We continued the development of work community communications
After the work community communication project concluded in 2022, we continued the development of work community communications in accordance with an action plan.
Development themes include channels of work community communications, work culture and communication between result areas. We involved PRH staff members in the process in a number of ways, using workshops, surveys and interviews.
Gender distribution and average age of the personnel
In 2023, the PRH employed 430 persons, of whom 253 (59%) were women and 177 (41%) were men. Non-binary persons are not recorded separately. Our average age was 48.6 years.
Number of staff members by person-years in 2023
The number of staff members by person-years totalled 423.17 in 2023. The person-years were divided by result area as follows:
- Patents and Trademarks 169.67 person-years
- Enterprises and Corporations 160.93 person-years
- Customer Services and Communications 49.80 person-years
- Shared Services 37.77 person-years
- ICT Development Unit 5.00 person-years.

For more information, see our corporate responsibility report
Read more about the promotion of equality, non-discrimination and wellbeing at work at the PRH in our corporate responsibility report.