Customer satisfaction remained high
Customer satisfaction was again at high level in 2023. As in previous years, the overall score for customer satisfaction (the weighted average of customer satisfaction surveys) was 4.0 (on a scale of 1 to 5).
Customers were particularly satisfied with our customer service. Customers rated the attitude and expertise of the PRH’s customer advisory services as excellent (4.6).
The survey results indicate that the PRH’s services respond to customer needs increasingly well. In 2023, the score was 4.1 compared to 4.0 in the previous year.
We measure our service capacity and the quality and effectiveness of our services by conducting general customer satisfaction surveys and service-specific surveys.
Overall customer satisfaction 2020–2023
The overall customer satisfaction score is based on the weighted average of customer satisfaction surveys. It remained at 4.0 between 2020 and 2023 (on a scale of 1 to 5).

Trade register matters prompted the largest number of contacts
As in previous years, customers contacted the customer service mostly by telephone and in connection with trade register matters.
Reminders on companies’ overdue submissions on beneficial owners and financial statements significantly increased contacts with customer service. The transfer of the share lists of housing companies to the residential and commercial property information system also increased the need for advice in trade register matters.
Online services are seen as easy to use
Customers’ expectations of PRH’s online services increase year by year. However, as in 2022, customers rated the ease of use of online services at 4.0.
The top place went to the company and organisation search at (4.4). The online service at for trade register notifications is the most popular of our services. Its ease of use received the score 3.6.
The online service at, which is already more than 20 years old, is being updated in stages. In fact, customers gave the already updated parts, such as starting of a limited liability company, higher than average score for ease of use.
Progress in customer orientation
Over the past few years, we have focused on customer orientation and on giving customers a say in the development process, especially in the planning of online services.
For more information on customer orientation and customer participation in the development of services, see our corporate responsibility report.