Number of trademark applications stabilised
The number of national and international trademark applications (Finland as the designated country) and the number of registered designs remained at previous year’s levels.
No change in the number of national trademark applications
In 2023, the PRH received 2,617 national trademark applications compared to 2,655 in 2022.
Resolved national trademark applications
The number of resolved national trademark applications increased: In 2023, a total of 2,849 applications were resolved compared to 2,500 in 2022.
International trademarks
Processed Madrid applications (Finland as country of origin)
There was a slight increase in the number of processed Madrid applications (Finland as the country of origin): In 2023, they totalled 57 compared to 48 in 2022.
Resolved Madrid applications (Finland as designated country)
The number of resolved Madrid applications (Finland as the designated country) remained at previous year’s levels: In 2023, a total of 951 applications were resolved compared to 945 in 2022.
Registered design rights
The number of registered designs remained at previous year’s levels: In 2023, a total of 63 designs were registered compared to 58 in 2022.
Updating of online services continued
We updated the service originally intended for patent and utility model documents so that companies can now also receive trademark and design right documents in the service.
The updated service was introduced at the end of 2023 as the PRH’s document service. The service is intended for companies and agents submitting a large number of applications concerning intellectual property rights.
We continued our work to update the trademark application service. The project is part of the activities of a cooperation network, which receives most of its funding from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The network develops and maintains processing systems and online services for trademarks and design rights.
Industrial property attorney examinations
Common component authorisations granted
There was a slight decrease in the number of common component authorisations granted: In 2023, they totalled 8 compared to 11 in 2022.
Patent law authorisations granted
There was also a decrease in the number of patent law authorisations granted: In 2023, they totalled 3 compared to 6 in 2022.
Trademark law authorisations granted
The number of trademark law authorisations granted remained unchanged: Three authorisations were granted in both 2022 and 2023.
Design law authorisations granted
Two authorisations in design law were granted in 2023 compared to one in 2022.
We campaigned to increase awareness of intellectual property rights
In the campaign ‘Aineettomia tarinoita’ (IP stories), successful companies, acting as ambassadors for protecting intellectual property rights, provide entrepreneurs with concrete examples and business solutions. Most of the funding for the campaign comes from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
Take a look at IP stories (The website is in Finnish).Open link in a new tab