Close cooperation with stakeholders continued
In 2021, we continued to cooperate with our stakeholders to promote digitalisation, a better business environment and an innovation-friendly atmosphere.
We promoted digitalisation in cooperation with other government agencies
Our operating environment is becoming increasingly digitalised. In 2021, we developed our own online services and expanded interfaces with shared central government services.
A number of projects to promote digitalisation are under way in central government. They included an action plan in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and this was also one of the projects in which the PRH participated. Common objectives and development measures are set out in the plan. Central government agencies also prepared their own development plans so that they can provide better online services.
In 2021, we enhanced the quality and usability of data as part of our own development plan.

We cooperated with Enterprise Agencies to support new entrepreneurs
The nationwide network of Enterprise Agencies helps individuals wanting to become entrepreneurs. The PRH and Enterprise Agencies have been cooperating for many years and the cooperation continued on an active basis during 2021.
The business advisors in Finland’s 31 regional Enterprise Agencies provide advice for individuals planning to set up a company or to expand their business operations. The PRH is working to ensure that the business advisors can provide their customers with top-class service in Trade Register matters and in the protection of intellectual property rights.
We provide Enterprise Agencies with information on our services and latest developments at the PRH, and arrange training and expert support for the business advisors. We also keep our own customers up to date with the services offered by Enterprise Agencies.
The practical aspects of the joint activities are coordinated by a cooperation group. The PRH also has a representative in the advisory board of the Finnish Enterprise Agencies and is represented by an expert in its board of directors.
In the nationwide Vuoden Uusyrittäjä competition (new entrepreneur of the year), prizes are awarded to successful Finnish entrepreneurs that have recently started business operations with the help of an Enterprise Agency. The PRH was represented in the prize jury that selected the company Metsän Woima Oy as the new entrepreneur of the year 2021. The audience award went to Demosarte Oy.

For the fifth time, PRH joined the team organising the Fennia Prize competition
Fennia Prize 22 competition rewards companies and organisations that use design as a strategic resource in their business operations. The 2021 competition was jointly organised by the PRH, Design Forum Finland, Fennia Group and the pension insurance company Elo. In the competition, the PRH also awarded its own prize for commendable use of intellectual property rights (IPR).
The winners of the Fennia Prize 22 competition will be presented at the DFF Awards exhibition in spring 2022.