Number of patent applications still high
The number of national patent applications was close to the record level of 2020. The large number of applications indicates that applicants trust the quality of the PRH’s novelty and patentability examinations.
The number of international PCT applications examined by the PRH decreased slightly compared with 2020.
Despite the high demand, we were able to process most of the applications within the time limits set out in our customer service promises.
The number of national patent applications remained at previous year’s levels
The number of national patent applications remained at previous year’s levels; 1,662 applications in 2021 and 1,685 applications in 2020.

Finalised national patent applications
The number of finalised national patent applications increased: 1,552 finalised applications in 2021 and 1,452 applications in 2020.

New online services almost ready
We speeded up the completion of the new patent application processing system and continued the building of the online services to be introduced in connection with the processing system.
An information service for patents and utility models, a payment service and a public notice service for patents and utility models (public notices in the Patent Gazette) were under construction.
The new processing system and the new online services will be launched during 2022.
National IPR strategy under preparation
The work to develop IPR legislation and the national IPR strategy continued.
A PRH representative participated in the work of the Government-appointed steering group for the national IPR strategy. The Government will probably submit a resolution on the national IPR strategy to Parliament during 2022.
We continued to produce internal reports on the future reform of the patent legislation. The legislative reform project will probably also be launched during 2022.
International patent matters
Processed PCT applications (PCT/RO)
The number of processed PCT applications (PCT/RO) increased: 974 applications in 2021 and 898 in 2020.

Conducted novelty searches (PCT/ISA)
The number of conducted novelty searches (PCT/ISA) decreased: 391 novelty searches in 2021 and 441 in 2020.

European patents validated in Finland (EPO)
The number of European patents validated in Finland (EPO) decreased: 6,609 validated patents in 2021 and 7,484 in 2020.

Finalised utility model applications
The number of finalised utility model applications decreased: 251 finalised applications in 2021 and 343 in 2020.

All our IPR activities are now certified
The PRH’s Patents and Trademarks result area has pledged to observe the ISO 9001 certificate, which requires maintenance of the quality management system and continuous development of operations. The operations are assessed by means of internal and external audits each year.
An external monitoring assessment of the quality management system was carried out and the validity of the certificate was extended. The certification was extended to cover all activities of the result area. This means that, in addition to the processing of IPR applications, the certification now also covers the advisory and business research service processes.