Our customer advisors are unsung heroes
Each year, the PRH’s customer advisors deal with more than 120,000 phone calls and 18,000 chat sessions, serve 18,000 customers at our office and reply to about 20,000 email queries.
They also manage document orders, familiarise themselves with the agency’s new tasks, participate in projects and continuously develop their competence.
The PRH makes increasing use of the expertise possessed by its customer service in its development projects because we want to ensure an excellent customer experience already in the planning phase.
Our customers who provide feedback using the feedback form available on the PRH website or participate in customer surveys and interviews, are valuable partners in the development work.
High marks for PRH’s customer service
Based on the customer surveys, our customers are on average satisfied with the services provided at the PRH.
In 2019, customer satisfaction was at 4.0 (on a scale of 1 to 5), which was in accordance with the target set. In the general customer survey, the grade consisted of the rating of satisfaction with the quality of our service. In the service-specific surveys, it consisted of the statement “The service met my needs", as well as of assessments of the quality of service at our walk-in customer service facilities.
Our customers were particularly satisfied with the helpfulness and expertise of the customer advisors.
More extensive chatbot co-operation
The joint chatbot network of the PRH, the Finnish Tax Administration and the Finnish Immigration Service is now well-established.
The bots acquired more expertise during the year: for example, they learned to propose that the enquiry should be transferred to a colleague bot if the topic changed during the discussion.
In the network, established in November 2018, the chatbots PatRek, VeroBot and Kamu provide foreign customers with advice in matters concerning the setting up of a business, taxation and immigration.

Learning to know PRH terms
The PRH published a glossary in Finnish containing definitions of 250 concepts in its area of responsibility and their Swedish and English equivalents. The glossary is highly useful to our customers and other PRH partners and stakeholders. Take a look at the glossary (pdf).