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Job satisfaction remained high

A record number of PRH staff members took part in the central government’s VM Baro survey measuring job satisfaction. Average job satisfaction was at 3.87 (on a scale of 1 to 5), which was slightly lower than in 2018 but still high.

The operating culture, work content, opportunities to influence developments, employer image and values were some of the strengths highlighted in the survey. At least 90 per cent of the respondents gave the highest scores (4–5) when asked about familiarity with the agency’s goals and commitment to them.

Open, respectful and competent PRH

As part of the implementation of its strategy, the PRH continued to develop its operating culture, the agency’s key strength, in co-operation with its staff. ‘Open, respectful and competent’, the new principles guiding our operations, which had been prepared in staff workshops, were launched during the autumn.

Other instruments supporting our operating culture included the first joint development day for the whole staff, Lean Master and Lean Leader training sessions, strengthening of managerial coaching and supervisory work, and ‘Osaava’, the joint central government competence management solution, which was introduced at the turn of the year.

With these tools, we can shape our operating culture so that we can have a good team spirit and work for the benefit of everybody in an effective manner.

In the future, we will assess our operating culture by means of surveys and will focus increasingly on work performance and wellbeing at work.