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Statistics 2020

At the end of 2020, there were in force

At the end of 2020, there were in force 55,898 patents granted and validated by the PRH (increased by 2.56% from 2019), 2,573 utility models (decreased by 4.35%), 1,482 design rights (decreased by 14.4%), 96,603  trademarks (increased by 1.25%) and 27,892 LEI codes issued by the PRH (increased by 12.33%)

At the end of 2020, there were

Customer service

In 2020, we processed 170,000 calls to our customer advisory service, 7,300 visits to our walk-in customer service and 17,900 chat discussions with the Trade Register's Advisory Service

Visits to our websites

In 2020, there were 3.2 million visits to the website and 7.1 million visits to the website

Followers on social media

Followers on social media in 2020: 6,473 in Twitter, 3,251 in LinkedIn and 2, 027 in Facebook